Line Design Technology (LDT) conducted a comprehensive analysis of the entire route using both aerial LiDAR and Ordnance Survey Mapping techniques. By utilizing these advanced technologies, LDT was able to identify critical limitations and determine the suitability of the route for further development.
To further enhance their surveying capabilities, LDT carried out topographic surveys using RTK GNSS, Total Stations, and state-of-the-art 3D scanners. This combination of cutting-edge tools allowed for accurate data collection and enabled LDT to generate Line Profiles and Route Plans.
The Line Profiles and Route Plans played a crucial role in the planning phase of the project. They provided vital information regarding the terrain’s contours, existing infrastructure, potential obstacles, and other pertinent details that needed consideration during construction.
By leveraging these detailed plans, LDT ensured that all aspects of the project were meticulously accounted for before any physical work began. This approach helped mitigate risks, streamline decision-making processes, and ultimately lead to a more efficient and successful implementation of the route design.
Overall, through careful analysis using advanced technology tools such as aerial LiDAR mapping, Ordnance Survey techniques, topographic surveys with RTK GNSS, Total Stations, and 3D scanners – supported by thorough Line Profiles and Route Plans – LDT proved itself capable of delivering precise and reliable information essential for successful route planning projects within diverse terrains.